
Welcome to All India Council for Hinduism Protection and Developmental Organization

All India Council for Hinduism Protection and Developmental Organization is non-government, non-profitable, voluntary organization registered under the Indian Trust Act’ 1882 & Niti Aayog (Govt. Of India) in 2020 and serving the people at large irrespective of caste, color and creed for creating awareness in Hindu advocacy organization educating and interacting with leaders in public policy about issues affecting the Hindu Diaspora communities. AIHC constantly reaches out to and meets with policy makers, key stakeholders & governments in order to develop enduring and reciprocal relationships in the cause of Hindu concerns. AIHC advocates on their behalf towards governments, parliaments, international organizations and other faiths. The AIHC represents the plurality of the Hindu people, and is non-partisan.


Sanatan Sanskriti : Hinduism, is amongst the world's oldest religious traditions, has no beginning--it precedes recorded history. It has no human founder. It is a mystical religion, leading the seeker to personally experience the Truth within oneself.
Punya Bhoomi : India, the birth place of Hinduism is an integratedspace of culturally diverse Hindus AIHC have a deep spiritual relationship with the land of Bharat Varsha,represented through its ancient sacred geography of tirths, rivers, forests, mountains & seas.
Dharma : Dharma is the “universal moral order” and includes behaviours’ that are considered to be in accord with ‘rta’, the order that makes life and universe possible, and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and "right way of living".
Moksha : Hindus believe that the soul reincarnates, evolving through many births until all karmas have been resolved, and moksha, liberation from the cycle of rebirth, is attained. Not a single soul will be deprived of this destiny.
Ahimsa : Hindus believe that all life is sacred, to be loved and revered, and therefore practice ahimsa, non-injury, in thought, word and deed.
Samsāra : In Hinduism, Saṃsāra is a journey of the soul. The body dies, assert the Hindu traditions, but not the soul which it assumes to be the eternal reality, indestructible and pure bliss. Hindu scriptures teach that the future is both a function of current human effort derived from free will and past human actions that set the circumstances.
Karma : Hindus believe in karma, the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his/her thoughts, words and deeds.
Syadvad : Hindus believe that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others, but that all genuine paths are facets of truth, deserving tolerance and understanding.
Anitya : Hindus believe that the universe undergoes continuous & endless cycles of creation, preservation and dissolution. All physical and mental events, come into being and dissolve. Human life embodies this flux in the aging process, the cycle of repeated birth and death (Samsara), nothing lasts, and everything decays.
Purusharth : Classical Hindu thought accepts four proper goals or aims of human life : Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam : The uniqueness of Hindu Dharma and the culture& traditions as practiced by Hindu communities has a significant contribution to make for the benefit of all humanity.



Hinduism, also known as Sanatana Dharma, is the world’s oldest living religion.It is a natural religion, meaning its philosophies and practices are considered universally accessible through sincere study, reason, and experience apart from special revelation.

Hinduism Schools of Thought

Over the ages, various schools of theology developed in Hinduism through a dynamic tradition of philosophical inquiry and debate. From timeless and universal questions such as the purpose of life to the relationship between humans and the Divine (existence, pure being, light of consciousness) emerged many schools of thoughts or darshanas.

Key Hindu scriptures

Hinduism is rich in scripture and includes an extensive collection of ancient religious writings. These sacred texts are classified broadly into two categories: Shruti and Smriti. The word Shruti literally means “heard” and consists of what Hindus believe to be eternal truths akin to natural law. These texts are revered as “revealed” or divine in origin and are believed to contain the foundational truths of Hinduism.

Hindu Contributions

Contrary to popular perceptions that Hinduism is a mystical religion exclusively concerned with transcendental concepts of spiritual practice, Hinduism has been a wellspring for vast contributions to global civilization spanning more than five millennia.

AIHC’s Political

We advocate on a range of issues, which provides opportunity to work with lawmakers and stakeholders on different sides of the aisle. Our position on every issue is based on a relentless pursuit of facts, and deep consideration of Hindu principles and American values, such as freedom, equality, and justice.

About the Shakti Initiative

The Shakti Initiative is an online clearinghouse showcasing Hindu teachings about and by women, the contributions of Hindu women throughout history, and the role both women and men play in bringing to fruition solutions that are grounded in Hindu teachings to address critical contemporary issues.



is a group of people who work together toward a common goal. Teams have defined membership (which can be either large or small) and a set of activities to take part in. People on a team collaborate on sets of related tasks that are required to achieve an objective.


is a group of people who take on the responsibility of managing a specific topic for an organization that is too complicated to be handled by the larger group to which they belong. Some committees are formed to solve short-term problems or issues, while standing committees meet on an ongoing basis to manage a recurring or regular issue. When committees are efficient, they effectively reach consensus and solve problems. When inefficient, they waste time and energy and fall short of their goals.


Good communication prevents disputes, conflicts and delays. Project coordinators can foster effective communication by conducting regular team meetings, distributing status reports and documenting decisions made. Effective leadership often involves influencing and motivating team members to adhere to established policies and procedures so operations run smoothly. Coordinating the efforts of many different employees, particularly when they are not located in the same place or time zone, typically requires arranging regular meetings to exchange information and using written communication to document procedures.


as a group that usually functions like a committee of the formal board. An advisory board has no legal responsibilities and is formed to give advice and recommendations to a nonprofit's governing board and management. It cannot compel the nonprofit's governing board or staff to act on its recommendations or feedback. An advisory board works toward a specific goal and its members have skills that complement those of governing board members, according to Carter McNamara of the Free Management Library. Activities that advisory boards typically focus on are fund raising, technical assistance, assessment of a program's impact and serving as a public advocate for the organization